Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 4 Workout - July 8th

A dumbbell (Hantel)Image via Wikipedia
LOTS of rain this morning! So, no Tennis with my wife. The balls don't bounce in 6 inch puddles!

Decided to do another two-a-day workout today. I started by going to Jimmy Lee's after I dropped my wife off at work. Had a planned meeting with Dr. Michael & Teresa Loveless of the Your Water for Health Kangen water team. However, they were not there, yet, so I decided to work out, first.

I started with a 10 minute warmup on the treadmill, just to get the blood pumping.
Then I moved on to some biceps work.

  •  3 sets of dumbbell curls. 8 reps at 35 lbs. 
  • Then, 3 sets of what I call Shoulder rotations.
    •  I use 1 45 lb plate. 
    • I grip it with one hand on either side, basically at 9 & 3 on the clock.
    •  I then start with it behind my head, and start rotating the weight clockwise around my upper body, basically going around my left shoulder, in front of my face, around my right shoulder, and back behind my head. 
    • 8 times clockwise, then reverse & do 8 times counterclockwise.
  • 3 sets of 2 handed preacher curls. 8 reps at 55lbs
  • 3 sets of 2 handed French Curls. 10 reps  with a 50lb straight bar. 
  • 3 sets of Dumbbell Hammer Curls. Burn down style, starting at 30lbs, doing as many reps as I can, then, without resting between, moving to 25lbs and again doing as many reps as I can, then moving down to 20lbs, then 15lbs, 12lbs, 10lbs, and finishing with 8lbs. Repeat 3 times. REALLY FEEL THE BURN!!
  • Finally, 2 handed curls 3sets with a 50lb straight bar. 12 reps per set.
  • and, for good measure, 3 sets of Triceps pull downs 10 reps & 120lbs.
That concludes my morning workout.

When I was finished, the Loveless' had arrived, so I spent about an hour talking to them, and decided to take their 30day Kangen Water Challenge. I am going to drink Kangen water, exclusively for the next 30 days, and I will report on any noticeable changes.

Alright! Time for Biggest Loser Class! Thursday evening at 630pm

Today's instructor was Sheree. She specializes in Yoga & Pilates, and her classes are more strength based than some of the others, which focus more on cardio. Although, all three of the instructors i have worked with this week, really pounded the legs, shoulders, core, and cardio. These classes have been fantastic!

Sheree started us with some basic step aerobics
  • Simple right and left  UpDowns, then Wide step UpDowns, then alternating step knee kicks.
  •  once we had gotten sufficiently warmed up, we moved to some squats, and lunges. 
  • Then we moved on to some pushups, and plank position exercises
  • then, back to our feet for more steps.
  • then plyometrics. Jumping Jacks, Squat Jumps, and Lunge Jumps
  • back to more pushups, downward facing dog, upward facing dog, & stick position
  • finally, ABs! Crunches, leg lifts, and Bicycles.
Today was a terrific workout, and a great day overall! If you're thinking about starting a weight-loss or fitness program, I highly recommend that you come on out to Jimmy Lee's Total Fitness, and join the Biggest Loser 6 week Challenge!

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