Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Days 1 & 2 Of Jimmy Lee's Biggest Loser Bootcamp

Alright, since I didn't start this blog until Day 2, I will combine Days 1 & 2.

Yesterday, July 5th, we started our Journey by weighing in, and having our measurements taken. I don't remember all of my measurements, but the important ones are, as follows"

Ok, those numbers SUCK! Especially since I have actually been working out and eating better for about a month, already! I am not happy, AT ALL! But, that's why I'm here! I will lift weights, and do sit-ups, on my own, but I just won't do Cardio. I NEED someone to push me!

We got weighed in, but the next class was still 5 hours away. So, we decided to workout on our own for an hour. We went to the back room, and started by doing some biceps curls.
  1.  I did 3 sets of 12, with 25lbs. for each arm. 
  2. Then we moved on to shoulder presses. Again, 3 sets of 12, this time with 35lbs.
  3. Next, Front & side Shoulder raises, with 12lbs. 3 sets of 8
  4. Then, squats, with a Large Exercise Ball behind my back. 20 reps, then 20 reps with a 2 second pause at the bottom, then 1 30 second hold. (OUCH!)
  5. Next, offset squats, with one foot on a higher plane than the other. 20 reps both left & right.
  6. After that, 10 squats balancing on a half-ball, while front shoulder pressing 10 lbs in each hand.
  7. Finally, crunch machine with 40lbs, 3 sets of 20.
  8. (whew!)
Ok, it's 130, and class starts at 430pm. what to do next. I know, let's go play Tennis!! So, we drove over to La Fortune Park, and played Tennis for about 30 minutes on the Memorial High School tennis Courts.

Back to Jimmy Lee's! Time for the first class of Bootcamp!! Fired Up!!

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew I was going to hurt! Turns out, I was RIGHT! One full hour of Cardio, and total body training! We hit EVERYTHING!! Biceps, Triceps, Chest, Abs, Back, and LEGS, LEGS, LEGS!!!! Squats, Lunges, Plie's, Step Training, Kicks, you name it! By the end, we were exhausted!!

After we finished up, we headed home to Coweta. I thought we were finished, but my wife turned to me and said, "How about some more tennis?" So, we stopped over at GW Roland Park in Coweta, and played another half-hour of tennis. Finally, we were DONE. Time to go home. Wow! What a first day!!

Day 2 July 6th, 2010

  • We started our morning at 530am. Get up, get stretched, have a Protein Smoothie (Half Grapefruit, Half Green Apple, 1 Banana, 2-3 ounces of Blueberries, 2 scoops Mango Pineapple Protein Powder, half cup of Non-Fat Plain Yogurt, 1/2 cup of Cranberry Juice) for Breakfast. {295 Calories, 52g carbohydrates, < 1g fat, 25g Protein)

  • 615am Time for Tennis!! Back over to Roland Park for 30 minutes of Tennis with my wonderful wife! We're not very good, but we have fun! We also walked the track around the Tennis Courts before we played. It's only about a 5 minute walk, but it's a good warmup!

  • Ok, back to the house to get ready for the day. my wife got ready for work, while I packed our meals for the day.
    • 4oz of Salmon, a Small Salad, One hard boiled Egg, and half a baked potato, for Lunch 
    •  a Kashi Honey Almond Flax Bar for mid Morning Snack
    • A handful of Carrots for a mid afternoon snack
    • a Kashi Cookie ( Oatmeal Raisin) for Midafternoon Snack
    • a Kashi Crunchy granola bar for Pre workout
    • a Chocolate Protein Shake for Post workout
  • Approximately 1300 Calories Today. I will Post a better, more complete menu, in my July 7th, Post.
Ok, off to work! Drop my wife off, and head on over to Jimmy Lee's. There is a 930am class that I want to try out!

I get to the Gym around 9am, and decide to warm up with a 10 minute walk on the treadmill at 3.5mph on the Fat Burner interval. 

Next, it was time for the morning class! The class was similar to the one from the day before, in that we hit all of the muscle groups, while focusing on Cardio. However, it was done a little differently. We did 8 sets of each exercise, but not a certain number of reps. Instead, we did the exercise for 20 seconds, with a 10 second rest between each set. This was an EXTEMELY hard class, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! This one REALLY hit the shoulders, and legs! When this one was over, I really felt like I had a good workout!

So, with several hours until my wife got off work, I stopped to talk to the lady who sets up the Kangen Water Filtering at Jimmy Lee's. Kangen Water is:

Dating back to its roots in Japan, Kangen Water 
essentially means “return to origin”. Because this 
beautiful world of ours has been polluted and 
soiled with human waste, the human body has not 
been able to reach optimal growth potential. 
Medical studies have long recognized the 
devastating effects of high levels of acidity in our 
bodies. Kangen Water has a pH of 8.5 -11.0 which 
would then make this water basic or an alkaline. In 
addition to Kangen waters pH level, tests have 
also shown a negative ORP (oxidizing reduction 
potential) rating. Kangen water is perhaps the 
most effective anti-oxidant and its negative ORP 
rating further proves that hypothesis. Anti-oxidants 
can help balance out some of these acids and 
restore the body to equilibrium or its “original 
state” as it should be, where we can all grow and 

I'm very interested in this, and may add this into my regimen. If anyone has had an experience with Kangen, please comment below, and tell me about it!

From here, I went over to my "office away from the office", aka Agora Coffee Shop, to have some coffee, and get a little work done.

At 5pm I picked my wife up from work, and headed back to Jimmy Lee's for our evening class. (Yes, I know it's probably not wise to do two cardio classes in one day). We thought the class started at 6, so we were hurrying. Unfortunately, the light was out at Memorial and Hwy 160, so we were really pushing up against the clock, by the time we arrived! We hurried in, and while my wife was changing, I got on the treadmill for a quick warmup. When she was finished changing, we still had about 5 minutes, so she got on the treadmill, as well. When we finished, we rushed back to the training area, only to find out that we had looked at the wrong day on the calendar, and class didn't start until 630! Oh,well, more time to stretch!!!!

While we were stretching, others started showing up for the class, and low and behold, another guy! WOOHOO! I'm not the only male doing these classes. Now I only feel like a partial freak!! 

This class actually ended up being very well attended, with about 12 people lining up to have their butts kicked!!
This class was run a little differently than the morning class, but still focused on cardio, legs, and shoulders. 

MAN! My legs and shoulders were getting TIRED!! But, i made it all the way through the hour, without having to give up! Two classes in one day! I'm AWESOME! (and i'm going to pay for it in the morning!!)

Day 2, in the books! 

Think Thin Thoughts!!!!!!!

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