Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tangible Results, Already!!

16/365 - First Weigh-InImage by oblivion9999 via Flickr
Well, I'm 1/4 of the way through the 6 week contest at Jimmy Lee's Total Fitness!

So, I decided to weigh in, and check my body fat% this morning, and see how things are coming along! So, without further ado, the results:

Weight on July 5th at the start of the contest 205.4 lbs
Weight today, 199.0 lbs
Total Weight loss in 12 days, 6.4 lbs

Body Fat % on July 5th, 25.4%
Body Fat % today, 24.1%
Total Body Fat % loss, 1.3%

So, I am well on my way, to reaching my goals of dropping 25lbs, and 15% body fat!
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